Choctaw Casino & Resort Projects Guerrilla Ad onto ‘Leaning Tower of Dallas’
We knew when the building only came down halfway that it would become the target of the finest meme machines the internet has to offer,” explained Tim Eger, of the Richards Group, the Choctaw’s marketing firm, to industry web portal Muse by Clio.
“But everyone thought the building would be taken down fairly quickly. Until it wasn t,” he added. “This thing wasn t moving — they weren t having any luck.
The demolition team returned on Tuesday to finish the job, this time with a wrecking ball attached to a crane. The Richards Group was facing a race against time. But the tower was still proving lopsidedly persistent.
Then we played the waiting game — everyone on pins and needles, wondering, with each hit of the wrecking ball, if the whole thing would finally tumble over, Eger said. Then came quitting time for the demolition crew, and we knew it was on.
Wonky MiracleAs of Friday morning, Dallas’ wonky miracle is still standing, but its days are numbered as is the opportunity to pose for one of those perspective-trick photographs where you re pretending to hold it up.
In the meantime, more than 1,600 people have signed an online petition calling for the Leaning Tower of Dallas to be declared a UNESCO World Heritage site so it can be preserved for future generations.
“Over the past few days, The Leaning Tower of Dallas has become the city s largest cultural icon,” declares the petition’s organizers. “After making national headlines, we are finally famous for something other than the JFK Assassination … That s why we need to work together now to save this landmark from destruction.
“If anything, do it for the memes,” they pled.